Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Inspiring Message

May Allah gives us a rainbow in every sudden storm,

A smile in every tear,

A protection in every problem,

A light in every sight,

And an answer for every praying

“Have a nice day”

Just wanna say thank U for my friend who sent me that message on Tuesday (Jan 29th ‘08). What a nice message it is!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Aboutrika Punished For "Sympathize With Gaza" Shirt, Double Standards?

The tragic events in Gaza Strip echoed in the soccer fields in Ghana, which hosts the 2008 African Cup of Nations tournament, when Egyptian player Mohamed Aboutrika wore a tee shirt reading "sympathize with Gaza" in arabic and English. Aboutrika flashed the shirt after he scored his first goal in veiw of cameras and millions of spectators throughout the world which prompted the referee to slap him with yellow warning card for violating the FIFA rules which prohibit religious and political slogans during the games, although this phrase is more humanitarian than political.

Meanwhile, Aboutrika’s action drew huge public support which sympathized with the player. Arabic websites were flooded with messages of support and condemnation of the referee’s decision to punish Aboutrika.

The public was legitimately asking why Aboutrika was accused of politicizing the soccer game by simply wearing a shirt carrying a humanitarian message while Ghanian soccer player John Pentsil was not punished when he waved an Israeli flag to celebrate a goal his teammates scored against Czech Republic in the 2006 World Cup, although Israel had nothing to do with the game and did not even qualify for the tournament.

For his part, Hadi Khashaba, a former player and currently a football coordinator at Al Ahly Sports Club, confirmed to Ikhwanweb that what Aboutrika did is a mere humanitarian action which has no relation with politics. He said that the player tried through this symbolic action to express his feelings for the besieged Palestinians in Gaza . He also wanted to send another message, that soccer players especially Egyptians are connected to the issues taking place around them.
Khashaba also confirmed that what Aboutrika did is a minimum of what any member of the Egyptian soccer team can offer to the Palestinian cause and to support the people of Gaza and contribute to ending the tight blockade imposed by Israeli Occupation Forces.

Shawqi Gharib, the assistant coach of the Egyptian soccer team said that the organizing committee informed all teams that they shouldn"t wear any shirts bearing any political slogans. Saturday"s match ended with an Egyptian win over Sudans 3-0 to give the Egyptian team a lead in its group and to inch closer to qualifying for the second round of the finals of the African Cup of Nations.

(taken from

Tragedi Palestina

Ketika Yahudi (la'natullah alaih) dengan kecongkakannya
Menginjakkan kaki di bumi suci Palestina
Ketika peluru-peluru dan bom menghujani bumi para anbiya
Ketika negara yang aman sejahtera terjajah
Segala kebanggaan dan harapan pun musnah
Bersama api permusuhan anjing-anjing zionis
Terhadap manusia-manusia yang tak bersalah
Dimanakah demokrasi yang digembar-gemborkan?

Kemana perginya nurani yang dimiliki setiap jiwa?
Saat melihat ribuan anak mati tanpa tahu apa pernah ia berbuat salah
Kesalahannya hanya satu, terlahir sebagai bangsa palestina
Apakah itu sebuah kesalahan?
Kemana perginya nurani ketika melihat ratusan ribu orang ditindas
Hanya karena ingin mempertahankan tanahnya
Hanya karena ingin hidup aman di negerinya sendiri
Apakah itu sebuah kesalahan?

Jika itu sebuah kesalahan maka apa yang dikatakan terhadap mereka
yang membunuh, menyiksa, Memperkosa, menindas, memenjara, menjajah manusia tak berdosa
Ohh... rupanya dunia ini sudah gila
Karena diisi oleh binatang-binatang rakus yang hanya mengedepankan ego pribadinya
Tanpa memandang penderitaan orang lain

Dimana 5 milyar ummat Islam saat ini
Ketika masjid suci umat Islam dikotori dengan kotoran-kotoran binatang itu
Ketika bangsa arab tidak lagi memiliki kekuatan untuk melindungi Al-aqsha al-muqaddasah,
Ummat Islam harus bangkit,
Melindungi masjid suci bersejarah,
Masjid yang menjadi saksi saat Rasul Isra
Masjid yang keberkahannya disebut dalam Al-Qur'an

(taken from