Sunday, March 2, 2008

How to write short stories???

If you would like to write your own short stories, here are some tips to help you.

Begin with what you know

The best writers manage to tell us a lot about characters and places. Before you start writing, take time to think about the setting and people in your story. You might want to base some characters on people or places you know. What aspects of these people or places would readers find interesting?

Plan your plot

What is the starting point for your story? What is the ‘conflict’? How are you going to resolve it?

Let the readers use their imagination

When you are writing, try to avoid the temptation to describe events in too much detail – remember that the reader needs enough information to understand the story, but enough freedom to use his or her imagination.

Draft and redraft

You may find that your planned story changes when you start to write it. Don’t worry – many writers say that their characters take on a life of their own once the story has begun. However, remember to take time to read and write second or third drafts of your story.

The 2nd semester has come recently...

Alhamdulillah..finally, I have finished already the 1st semester of post graduate programme. Untill now, I havn’t known about the all of marks. I hope my GPA in 1st semester reach 4,0. May Allah grants for my prays.

The new semester has come.....The subjects in 2nd semester are more many than the subjects in 1st semester. Certainly, there are many tasks in this semester. Not only presentation about Journal of Chemistry, but also take home examination. Consequently, I have to study hard and arrange time better.

Actually, in this semester, I have to have synopsis for research. But, untill now, I havn’t had topic for research yet. I’m still confuse to make desicion. So why?, because, I wanna research about “Synthesis PLA (Poly(lactic acid)) from glycerol as byproduct of biodiesel”. But, on the other hand, my director of SBRC said to me that I have to research about “identification of carcinogenic potency in Jatropha curcas oil and biodiesel”. Truthfully, that theme is suitable for Pharmacy students.

Hmmm....I hope that I can make decision as long as possible. Because, I have

expectation to take colloqium in the 3rd semester. After that, I have to take seminar in the 4th semester. And then, I have to(......). I absolutely certain that Allah will help me.


I wanna say “thank U” for my families (I’m sorry, long time I haven’t gone home lately) and my friends (especially, azzumers and Chogan) who have given me motivation and spirit. May Allah gives U reward for your kindness.